Odelle – Homebuyers Centre WA

Odelle - Homebuyers Centre WA

Structerre partnered with Homebuyers Centre to create the Odelle display home, a simple yet elegant home in Aveley WA. With the modern family lifestyle in mind, this home is designed to be low maintenance, with the open plan layout accommodating for the hustle and bustle that occurs in the family home. With features like a viewing window into the study from the kitchen, every consideration has been taken to ensure that the Odelle is a place of comfort and ease.

Structerre completed the engineering, geotechnical services and the energy certification for the project. We ensure that we carry out every service to the highest standard, with the client’s success in mind.

For more information on our offerings, and how we can assist in your project, contact us today!

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Engineering, Geotechnical and Energy

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Odelle - 12 Ashford Street, Aveley WA, Australia