Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Cancer Centre Stage 2


During the second stage of development of WA’s largest cancer care treatment centre, Structerre Geotechnical was commissioned to design the underpinning system of the existing building to ensure that hospital operations were not disrupted as site works were undertaken.

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Project Title

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Cancer Centre Stage 2

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Hospital Avenue, Nedlands, WA

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Geopraktika Pty Ltd

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12th April 2013

During the second stage of development of WA's largest cancer care treatment centre, Structerre Geotechnical was commissioned to design the underpinning system of the existing building to ensure that hospital operations were not disrupted as site works were undertaken.


The Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, located in the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre 4kms for Perth City Centre, was opened in 1958 and treats over 420,000 patients each year in its 600-bed facility. The hospital houses the state’s only comprehensive cancer care treatment centre and in 2010 Structerre Geotechnical was successful in winning a commission to provide support to the second stage development of the centre. It was an important factor that the operations of the hospital were not impeded during construction and Structerre designed an underpinning system to limit disruption of service to an absolute minimum. Our experienced engineers were also able to design the system to provide earth retention to support the 4.50m lower level excavations, cutting construction time in half and providing cost savings for our client.

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