Health Clinics WA

Energy Assessment
Parngurr & Punmu Community WAjj

Two new state-of-the-art health centres in the Western Australia’s east Pilbara will deliver new services to western desert Indigenous communities.

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Energy Assessment

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Project Title

Health Clinics WA

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Parnngurr & Punmu Community WA

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Murray River North

The Parnngurr and Punmu communities are 360km away from the nearest (mining) town of Newman, where facilities did not meet the needs of Indigenous people living in their home community. As more and more Martu Aboriginal people are returning to remote communities, culturally appropriate health services are expanding.

Murray River North engaged Structerre Energy to provide practical energy efficient solutions, which would not only exceed the minimum energy efficient requirement but ensure both health clinics would operate efficiently and remain comfortable for all occupants in extreme temperatures.

The dynamic cyclone-proof slatted shading roof was key to providing permanent shade to the clinics and was designed and orientated to provide maximise shade protection. Both new health clinics have photovoltaic solar cells installed on the roofs supplementing electricity.

Specialist health care can now be delivered in modern air-conditioned comfort at home on the Martu lands.