7.5 Star Energy Rated Display Home

Energy Assessment
The Structerre Energy team drew on their knowledge to achieve a 7.5 star rating on this energy efficient home.

The Structerre Energy team drew on their knowledge to achieve a 7.5 star rating on this energy efficient home.

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Energy Assessment

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Project Title

7.5 Star Energy Rated Display Home

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Monticello Meander, Corimbia Estate, Landsdale, WA

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Dale Alcock

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11th June 2013


The Structerre Energy team has proven experience and confidence in dealing with and assessing every type of dwelling. For this particular project, they drew on their knowledge to achieve a 7.5 star energy efficient home. By following effective passive design principles, the Structerre Energy team reduced the homes artificial heating and cooling energy loads to allow the homeĀ  to achieve and maintain a balanced temperature throughout the year.

In this home, solar orientation has been optimised to maximise the passive-solar benefits of winter sun gains. Insulated brick cavity walls, internal masonry walls and the concrete slab designed to sit directly on the ground allows for effective thermal mass. Other elements include R4 ceiling insulation, reflective insulation beneath the roof covering, closed wall and ceiling vents and sealed exhaust fans.

Improved glazing has been used throughout the dwelling to provide better thermal performance resistance to winter heat loss and summer heat gains. With the impact of good design, this home is more comfortable to live in with reduced energy costs.